Wednesday, February 3, 2010


It's been 5 months, but I finally got my hair cut! It was desperately needed. I'd put it off because I wanted to avoid the pre-Christmas scheduling hassle and gifting awkwardness (I know, I'm such a Scrooge). But it's finally done and I'm very pleased.

Does anyone else find getting their hair cut to be a source of anxiety? I used to be very good about bringing a photo of something I liked, but this time I spent some time thinking about what I wanted: no bangs, hair long enough to put in a ponytail, and limited layers. Stylists are always surprised that I don't blow out my hair every morning. I swear, it turns my hair into cotton candy! I leave the bathroom looking sleek and stylish, but in a few short hours (maybe even only 20 minutes) I have blow-away, wispy hair that looks like a failed attempt at a 1970s Farrah Fawcett 'do.

So here's my dilemma: on one hand I'm doing this Pretty-Mom Project as a way to break out of my rut. It's not easy. I backslide a lot. On the other hand, while I love a lot of different hairstyles, I really prefer the way my hair looks after I've gone over it with a curling iron. My current and previous stylists were convinced that I had curly hair and were willing to sell me all sorts of products (and I only caved once) and gave me tons of advice on how to augment my curl. Maybe they're right, but my hair does not turn into lovely ringlets. It just looks messy. So am I being honest with myself or just settling into my rut?

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